February 2025 Upcoming Announcements
TUMC is continuing to show support to those in our community who are in need, with the help and support of our neighbors, community, and other church congregations we are still taking in donations to our food pantry. (Please no glass items.)
We take pride in our continual missions from A to Z. If we can help other outreach programs please let us know and we will be more then happy to show support, collect donations, and get spread the word to others who may be able to help.
There are other ways you can donate to help continue the work at TUMC. Please visit our GIVING page for updated information.
January 2025 Upcoming Announcements
SOCK ROCK 2024 Missions Collection

UMCOR and Disaster victims are still very much in need. We will be collecting Hygiene Kits for restock at UMCOR (NC). We will collect full kits, individual objects to put full kits together, and or cash donations to be able to purchase objects for hygiene materials. These donations will be used to restock the distribution center to be able to continue to help and support those who need help!
Friendly reminder to adjust your clocks back 1 hour Saturday night.

United Methodist Women NOVEMBER Soup Sale

Our Alaskan mission team together again!
Church Conference
November 2, 2024
Port Elizabeth
@ 10:30 am
Second Wednesday of each month ( 9:30-11:30 am)
Fourth Monday of each month (5-7 pm)
SEPTEMBER Men’s Prayer breakfast: September 21, 2024 @ 8 am. Location: TBD.
Church Conference: Port Elizabeth/ November 2, 2024 @ 10:30 am
Admin. Board Meeting: TUMC September 24, 2024 @ 7 pm
Donations appreciated: Juice, Juice Boxes, Goldfish, Granola Bars, Water Bottles, and Pretzels. We enjoy having a snack choice for our Sunday School children.

Resuming in September: Sunday School/ Men’s Prayer Breakfast
ADMIN. Board Meeting
CHANGE IN DATE: Thursday, June 27,2024 @ 7pm
BIBLE STUDY: We will resume our weekly Bible study with Pastor Keith beginning July 11, 2024!

Men’s Prayer Breakfast: June 15, 2024 @ Petersburg 8am
TEAM ALASKA YRAD SALE: May 25, 2024 9am-3pm
Tables available indoors/ outdoor space also available (outdoor space please bring your own table) $25.00 to reserve a spot.
JUNE MOBILE FOOD PANTRY: June 12, 2024 TUMC 9:30am-11:30am Volunteer’s always appreciated!

Men’s Prayer Breakfast – April 20, 2024 DENNISVILLE (8 am)
Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser- April 27, 2024 (5-7 pm) Volunteers and helpers wanted and appreciated! TUMC: 112 Rote 49, Tuckahoe NJ
Farewell Luncheon: showing gratitude and love for our Pastor Mike Chapman and family! Please join us! JUNE 8, 2024 (1pm)
UMW Soup Sale: May 5, 2024- Pick up 10 am
MOBILE FOOD PANTRY: May 8, 2024 (9;30-11;30) Volunteers appreciated and encouraged!
APRIL 7, 2024
MAY 5, 2024
Lent Service Schedule 2024
Our church did a super job in collecting for Toys For Tots 2023 . These toys will be taken to Wildwood to be distributed to Cape May County families in need of help this Christmas season. Anyone in need of toys please feel free to contact me . It’s a great program and I’m so proud of our congregation for wanting to be a part of it .

Community Updates:
Fudge Orders: Fudge orders due November 16, 2023 (Forms can be located at Dennisville UMC or Tuckahoe UMC)
Toys For Tots: We are now collecting for Toys for Tots this season, Collection box is located in the back of the church!
Project Love Cards: Collecting loving cards of encouragement and Holiday cheer to send to our troops this season!
November Men’s Prayer Breakfast: November 18, 2023 @ TUMC 8AM
Mobile Food Pantry: November 8, 2023 NEW TIME: 10AM-12PM TUMC
November Men’s Prayer Breakfast: TBD
Catacomb Praise LIVE via FB: Monday nights 8 PM
UMW Meeting: Tuesday, October 3, 2023 (11am)
OCTOBER MOBILE FOOD PANTRY: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 (9:30-11:30 AM) Volunteers please arrive around 8:30 to help set up.
TRUNK OR TREAT: October 24, 2023- Amanda’s Field. (taking donations or individually wrapped candy and snacks)
Upcoming Gathering: Anniversary Service celebrating 231 Years serving our community. Sunday October 8, 2023. Day of worship, praise, and fellowship: 11:00 – Speaker/ Rev. Dave Bailey of Ranch Hope. Noon – Potluck Picnic Luncheon. 2:00 – Praise Concert/ Pastor Mike Chapman of Tuckahoe and Dennisville UMC. Please join us in a family friendly day of praising our Lord, Jesus Christ. Blessings
MOBILE FOOD PANTRY July 12, 2023 9:30-11:30 AM
South Seaville Camp Meeting Women’s Day July 27, 2023 ( with guest speaker and lunch options available) Please Reserve.
“Shipwrecked-Rescued By Jesus” Vacation Bible School August 7-11 6-830PM (please register)
Praise In The Park CMC Park and Zoo August 12, 2023
TUMC Vacation Bible School
August 7-11 from 6-8:30 PM
Mobile Food Pantry July 12, 2023 TUMC 9:30-11:30 AM

May Mobile Food Pantry
Cape-Atlantic Christian Women’s Connection
April 30, 2023 PICK-UP @ TUMC 10 AM

We will be collecting Holiday greetings and Thank you cards to send to our troops to spread love and cheer for the holidays. Also thanking them for their determination to keep us safe, we appreciate our troops and veterans!
November 12, 2022
8 AM
Tuckahoe Untied Methodist Church
Eat in or takeout!
Sat.-November 12, 2022
5-7 PM
$12 Adults/$6 child
Ann T. 609-710-0007
October Soup Sale: 10/30 Contact Margie: 609-224-0120
Forget Me Not Ministry Meeting: postponed
TUMC 9:30 AM, Planning and bag filling
Mens Prayer Breakfast: 10/22
Petersburg UMC 8AM
Catacomb Praise LIVE: 10/24 @ 7PM
November Ham Dinner: Tickets available. Contact Ann T. 609-701-0007
November 12 5-7PM TUMC
Eat in or take out
Children’s Church Halloween Costume Party: October 23, 2022
10:30 AM
Item sign ups in back of church
MOBILE FOOD PANTRY Tuckahoe United Methodist Church
October 26, 2022
9:30-11:30 AM
Volunteers welcomed!
Sunday School
Sundays 10:30 AM
All are welcome!

Mobile Food Pantry
Sept. 28 930-1130AM
Seeking volunteers to help!

Forget Me Not Ministry
We have a Winner! Thank you so much George for our beautiful and fun Logo for our Forget Me Not Ministry! Thank you to everyone who sent in logos and participated! We are so blessed and overjoyed to be moving forward with our work for our community and the Lord!

Catacomb Praise LIVE
Catacomb Praise LIVE!
Tuckahoe United Methodist Church
September 26
October 26
November 28
Music and Praise start at 7PM!

Community Garden Help…..
Our Community Garden is in need of some attention. Please feel free to pick some weeds and help clean up the garden area. We are also in need of pickers! Please help yourself to the growing vegetables! The garden is located directly behind the church. Thank you!

Forget Me Not Street Ministry
We are so blessed to live in a supportive community. Let’s spread that love to others in need! Thank you to everyone who has donated! Check out the list of items we are looking for to distribute to the homeless. Drop off at Tucakhoe United Methodist Church.
Monetary donations are also welcome (will be used to purchase gift cards for food, needed items not in list, etc.)

Events and Special Reminders:
August 6th- Praise In The Park CMC Zoo
VBS: August 8-12 TUMC
Forget Me Not Ministry: Donations and T-shirt Logo Contest
Mobile Food Pantry TUMC: Flyer posted, please share
Bible Study: Thursdays 11 AM
Monday Nights: Catacomb Praise LIVE, Pastor Mike
Sunday Service: 9 AM
Tuckahoe UMC is having a Community Contest!
We need a simple design logo for our Forget Me Not Ministries! This is our mission /ministry group helping those close to home! Your logo will go on the back of our T-shirt!
Winner gets a $25.00 Gift Card
Text or Email: Mary 609-515-4501
Submissions must be in by August 15
Wednesday July 27, 2022
9:30-11:30 AM
Praise In The Park

September will be the start up of our Street Ministries! We will be collecting donations for distribution across the county to those in need. All are welcome to share in our street work. We encourage others to join together to show support and teach and share kindness to and with others less fortunate. Collection of items in the back of the church (TUMC) also we would like everyone to help choose a great “Name” for our Street Ministries. Please share ideas (also in back of church)

Seaville Camp Meeting
72nd Woman’s Day
If interested from TUMC please contact Ruth
July 20th Seaville Camp Meeting
Pastor Mike will be sharing the word in honor and supporting TUMC and Dennisville UMC
For more information review flyer or contact us via FB, email, or phone.
Thank you!

72nd Annual Women’s Day Thursday, July 28, 2022
South Seaville Camp Meeting
Festivities begin at 12:30, program begins at 2:30, dinner in the Grove Hall 4:15 & 5:30.
For more information contact Ruth Winter no later than 6/30/22 ¡ 609-827-2820. Cost is $10.00.
Spots for the early dinner fill up fast!
Community Food Bank
TUMC 9:30-11:30 AM
Flyer will be distributed soon!
Tuesday: June 28
Admin. Board Meeting
All are welcome to share ideas and concerns.
There are a few empty pots that can be filled with fruit or veggie plants if anyone would be interested in filling them.
There is still work to do!
Volunteers, adults and children can continue to pick up sticks, pull the last of the weeds in the garden pots, and water the garden( eventually water timer will be turned on.)
Thank you for everyone’s hard work and help!

June 12, 2022 Sunday School Children’s Program, Please join us 9 AM Service!

Tuckahoe UMC: VBS Aug. 8-12 > 6-8:30 PM
Dennisville UMC: VBS
July 11-15
EVERYWHERE FUN FAIR is our exciting theme this year for VBS!
August 8-12
Volunteers needed
June 12
Our Children’s Church will be conducting our 9 AM Service! Join us for some support of our fantastic group of children!

Catacomb Praise Monday 8 PM Face book Live!
The Mobile Food Truck will be back! Tuesday, May 31st. Between 9:30am-12:30 @ TUMC. Please spread the word to our community and those in need! All are welcome! Volunteers needed. Flyer will be distributed soon! Thank you for the help and support.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast is back!!!! May 14, 2022 Dennisville UMC @ 8AM

If you are interested in becoming a part of the TUMC Choir or just love to sing please let us know and join us!
May 1st Soup Sale is back!!!! Please pre-order!

64 Easter baskets were made and delivered to Cape Hope for children in need . Thank you all who donated candy and your time to make this happen



We have collected plenty of Easter baskets to fill. We are now in need of fillers such as candy, crayons, bubbles, and more. Thank you to everyone who has participated!
TUMC will be collecting Easter Basket Donations (Baskets and Fillers) Palm Sunday. We will be putting together 50 baskets that will be distributed through out the community. We will collect baskets, candy, and fillers, and or already filled baskets for distribution. Thank you for your love and support of our community!
Middle Township Bible Club and Interact Club
Baked Good’s Collection
Drop Off @ TUMC by 7PM on April 1, 2022
Bake Sale will be at Rio Grande Shoprite that weekend!

Soup and Roll
April 14,2022
6 PM

Tuckahoe United Methodist Annual Easter Egg Hunt Sunday-April 10, 2022. Details coming soon!

Spring is here and the Lord is showing us blessings and healing! Remember to show your compassion to others!

Easter is coming!

Donations needed….thank you for the neighborly support of our community!

Sunrise and Easter Services
Dates, Times, and Locations
Coming Soon!!!!!!!

Spaghetti Dinner Tuckahoe United Methodist Church
Saturday March 19, 2022 5PM-7PM
Adult: $10.00 Child: $5.00
For tickets please call 609-701-0007 or available at the door!
“The GNJ Digest” <gnjdigest@gnjumc.org>
![]() |
Mar. 2, 2022Global Ministries Statement on Giving to Support the People of Ukraine![]() Gifts to support the people of Ukraine can be made in the following ways: Online at https://umcmission.org/advance-project/982450By toll free telephone: 888-252-6174By check with “Advance #982450-Ukraine” written on the memo line, either mailed and addressed to Global Ministries/UMCOR, GPO, P.O. Box 9068, New York, NY, 10087-9068 or given at or through any United Methodist churchOne hundred percent of all Advance contributions go to the designated cause. The United Methodist community in Ukraine, though quite small, is actively engaged in assisting neighbors in need. Global Ministries is in touch with the church’s leadership as well as with church leaders in countries welcoming those who are fleeing from violence in Ukraine |

Free Cancer Screenings to those who are uninsured or under insured by Shore Medical Center!
Soup Sale Reminder: Pick up March 6, 2022 @ 10AM TUMC

LENT SERVICES: Dates/Times/Location Coming Soon!

YOUTH MINISTRIES 3/25/22 7PM Grades: 6-12 Petersburg UMC

Join us for some educational fun and support!

Board Meeting
TUMC will be having our Board Meeting Tuesday, January 25, 2022 @ 7 PM
We encourage everyone to join us and attend. This is a safe place to share, opinions, concerns, and new ideas.
We encourage all guest and visitors to leave any testimonies, joys, and or concerns on our prayer request page. We would like to continue to uplift any of those who are in need of support and healing at this time. Our congregation can also add your requests to our ever growing weekly prayer chain! If you are comfortable, please come see us in person for our Sunday Services 9 AM or follow us on Facebook to see our Sunday Services Live! We want to continue to grow as a congregation and a family!
January Mission
Attention Knitters, Crocheters, Neighbors, and Community! TUMC church and community mission is collecting warm items for men. We will distribute these items at the Vineland Soup Kitchen/ Spirit and Truth Ministries. Collection Items: Hats,Gloves,Socks, and Scarfs. Please help us spread love and warmth!

Update: Sunday School will be in-person starting next week 1/16/22. If there are any status changes from now until then TUMC will notify everyone. Thanks again for your understanding
Order in advance/ pick up January 30,2022-10:30AM(609)224-0120 (Margie)
Cabbage RollSplit Pea and HamCream of Potato or ChickenChicken Spinach and TortelliniChicken NoodleVegetable BeefRed Clam ChowderTuscany Italian SausageLima Bean and HamAlphabet Vegetable Butternut Squash

Good morning Sunday school families. It has been the policy of the Tuckahoe United Methodist Sunday school during Covid to follow along with the guidelines of our Upper Township school district. Therefore with the recent decision of the school system to go virtual for the next two weeks, in-person Sunday school will be canceled for Sunday, Jan 2nd and Sunday, Jan 9th. Please know that this was a tough call to make but we feel we have an obligation to keep your children safe. Stay tuned on Sunday for a fun video/lesson that will be texted to the cell number you provided to us at the beginning of the year, as well as our Facebook page. Church will be open for our 9 am service as usual and all are welcome to attend. On behalf of Miss Laura, Miss May, and myself, Miss Linda we wish you all a happy and healthy new year. Feel free to call or text me at this number with any questions or comments. God bless
Friendly reminder: Sunday School will be virtual from Jan. 2-9, 2022Join us for fun and Christian learning virtually. Thank you for the understanding and support from our church family and community!

Youth Group
Wednesdays at 6PM!
Grades 7-12!
Shamokin C&MA
Church Gym

**Please note that this month’s Food Pantry takes place a week earlier due to Thanksgiving**
If you know someone in need please let them know our next Food Pantry is scheduled for Sunday, November 21st from 2pm to 3pm

TUMC Soup Sale 10/31/2021
Preordering is highly suggested, see photo for information.

Families we would like to show our support to hospital and nursing home staff and patients! We are gathering friendly ” thinking of you and get well soon” cards. Please send any cards and or picture drawings from your children to our PO Box 117 Tuckahoe 08250. Thank you for all your support and blessings!
We will be closed for in-person services/use of the building for a few weeks until further notice. Please email or contact us to help you stay connected! Thank you for your understanding and support!